Almost Ready for Re-Launch following COVID-19

Almost Ready for Re-Launch following COVID-19

As governments begin to announce plans to end the lockdowns, a new phase in the COVID-19 pandemic is upon us.  It is a time for hope, but also a time for caution.

The end of the lockdown will not spell a return to the old "normal", nor will it be universal.  The opening will take different shapes, with different countries, different regions, and different business sectors opening up in different ways and at differing speeds.

The virus still lurks and the ability to contain its spread will dictate what happens next: any resurgence will likely bring renewed restrictions.  Large scale testing and tracing, the broad availability of personal protective equipment (PPP), and sufficient intensive-care capacity in hospitals will determine the pace of recovery.


In our business, we have taken a holistic approach to re-starting.  In fact, as mentioned in our last post, we have completely changed our business service offerings from being involved with full-service renovations to becoming an online cabinet retailer - thewhiteshaker.

As with most small businesses, we have faced numerous challenges during this pandemic.  We are sure that further unknowns, issues and concerns will present disruptions and further needs to adapt.  Managing limited resources will become even more crucial.

With respect to re-launching, we are almost complete with our online store build.  Previously, all of our business was conducted locally in South Florida through word-of-mouth, reputation for solid service and plenty of repeat sales through our loyal contractor client base.  Our online footprint has always been minimal:  moving to an online world has certainly been an eye-opening experience for us.

From an operations perspective, our supply chain is beginning to look much healthier... thankfully!  Initially, the manufacturing and logistical processes were deeply impacted due to temporary closures, restrictions and other unforeseen circumstances.  Although everything is not optimized to a level where we can offer leaner turn-around times, we feel confident that we are now in a place where we are able to function with both purpose and meaning to provide you, our customers, with an invaluable business service.

If you have a query or wish to place an order while we are getting our online store organized, please email us and we’ll be more than happy to be of service.

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